In the wake of the Typhoon that hit the Philippines, the people of that country are in desperate need of medical care, shelter, food, clothing, and other necessities as well the knowledge that others are caring for them across the world. Two great ways you can help with this is to donate to Compassion’s Philippines fund and to pray for the people in the Philippines. Any amount of money you’d be able to give would be appreciated as every bit goes a long way to helping these people have their immediate needs met and start the recovery. This is a good opportunity to show love not only to our Christian brothers and sisters over there but also to our international neighbours and to be able to offer a beacon of hope through our heart-felt donations and prayers.
If you want to make a donation, no matter how small it might seem, here is a link to the Compassion website or just click on the picture on the right! 
Here is also a link that contains updates about Compassion’s child development centres in the Philippines and specific prayer points, so far all the Compassion sponsored children from the Philippines are safe and accounted for – praise God!
Galations 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.
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