They are committed to Christ, they want to give children the opportunity to have hope and life not just now but for eternity! They are inspired by the Great Commission and lovingly model, and share the good news of Jesus.
They are committed to Children, they focus on individual child development and provide for their spiritual, economic, social and physical needs. They believe that children will create a positive ripple effect in their communities and will be inspired to change their communities and countries.
They are committed to Church, they work with local churches because the Church is God's chosen instrument to bring hope to a hurting world and to deliver justice to the poor and oppressed.The local church is also uniquely qualified to be able to best understand and know how to help their community.
They are committed to Character, (integrity), they take their mission very seriously and are very aware of the great responsibility they have been given. They apply solid biblical principles to every part of their organisation and perform regular audits to make sure the money is being used as it should be. They have over fifty years of godly stewardship and unwavering integrity upon which the organisation is running.
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